
Version 35

October 8, 2024

Exciting updates! This release introduces several powerful new features: membership templates, the all-new 'Theme corners' and 'Wrap-up' reusable sections, stunning parallax effects, dynamic scrolling animations, a couple of new templates to demonstrate the new features, and much more. Read on to explore the details!

Added parallax options to the background image in the Section extra settings module. View live preview.

Act3 parallax background

Implemented scrolling animations that can be applied to any element with a class option using reveal classes. View the live preview and read this article on how to apply them. Watch YouTube

Added a new reusable section: Theme corners. The drag and drop columns and rows in this section automatically inherit the corner radius settings from your Theme SettingsCornersGlobal radius. You can add and modify this section whenever your design requires rounded corners for DnD columns or rows, as long as round corners are enabled in your theme settings. Live preview | Watch YouTube

Act3 new Theme corners section

Note: Rounded corners only apply within a 'Theme corners'. Moving a row or column to this section enables the effect; moving it out disables it. Since you can't apply round corners or add a class to layout elements directly in the HubSpot page editor, this is a good workaround.

We also added the Wrap-up section, similar to the 'Theme corners' regarding corner radius, but using a row for the box. This section also includes 'reveal' scrolling animations. Live preview

Act3 wrap-up section

We created a new template—Home 6, designed to showcase the latest features. This template provides a more stylish option for those who prefer a fancier layout and are less focused on achieving the highest page speed score. While it's not the fastest, it strikes a good balance between performance and design. Live preview

Act3 new Home 6 template

We also created the Quick promo template, which includes the 'Wrap-up' section. Live preview

Act3 new Quick promo template

Added membership templates, available for selection in: SettingsContentPrivate ContentPages. Membership features are only available in Content Hub Professional and above.

Act3 HubSpot CMS website membership templates

Replaced the existing system page templates with new versions. Your current templates will not be affected. The new templates come with translations for the following languages: da, de, en, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, sv. You can edit or add more languages in your child theme. Learn more about the new translations here.

Act3 HubSpot CMS system templates

We've added the ability to set custom widths and positions for mega flyouts (mega menu) and introduced new content types. Additionally, we've made it possible to remove the flyout delay entirely (0 ms), which is now the default; you can set a delay only if needed. Learn how to use the mega menu on our Navigation page or watch this quick YouTube video.

Act3 Mega menu new content types and options

Added an option to turn the Overline into a badge in the Section intro module, with custom color settings for both the badge and the divider in the page editor.

Act3 Section intro module - Badge overline - Divider custom color

New style for the Features showcase menu items.

Act3 Features showcase module - Pill buttons navigation

Added the option to apply custom classes to text and image elements in the Image plus text module. We also added custom class options for individual items in the Properties and Quick features modules. These class fields can be used to implement the scrolling animations mentioned above.

Fixed an issue where the blog archive page was missing an H1 tag, ensuring better SEO practices.

Fixed an issue where the CTA placeholder image appeared distorted.

Fixed the Language selector button to correctly display the theme font.

Files updated

  • css\_base.css
  • css\components\features-showcase.css
  • css\components\lang-select.css
  • css\components\nav.css
  • css\main.css
  • images\template-previews\case-study.jpg
  • images\template-previews\customers.jpg
  • images\template-previews\gallery.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-1.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-4.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-5.jpg
  • images\template-previews\lp-download.jpg
  • images\template-previews\lp-get-a-quote.jpg
  • images\template-previews\lp-register.jpg
  • images\template-previews\lp-thank-you.jpg
  • images\template-previews\partners.jpg
  • images\template-previews\pillar.jpg
  • images\template-previews\portfolio.jpg
  • images\template-previews\resources.jpg
  • images\template-previews\success-stories.jpg
  • js\components\nav.js
  • js\main.js
  • modules\features-showcase.module\fields.json
  • modules\features-showcase.module\module.html
  • modules\image-plus-text.module\fields.json
  • modules\image-plus-text.module\module.html
  • modules\nav.module\fields.json
  • modules\nav.module\module.html
  • modules\properties.module\fields.json
  • modules\properties.module\module.html
  • modules\quick-features.module\fields.json
  • modules\quick-features.module\module.html
  • modules\section-extra-settings.module\fields.json
  • modules\section-extra-settings.module\module.html
  • modules\section-intro.module\fields.json
  • modules\section-intro.module\module.html
  • templates\about.html
  • templates\blank-no-header-footer.html
  • templates\blank.html
  • templates\blog-listing.html
  • templates\contact-1.html
  • templates\contact-2.html
  • templates\contact-3.html
  • templates\faqs.html
  • templates\home-2.html
  • templates\home-3.html
  • templates\pricing.html
  • templates\product.html
  • templates\services.html
  • templates\team-member.html
  • theme.json

Files added

  • css\_reveal.css
  • css\templates\email-subscription-confirmation.css
  • css\templates\email-subscription-preferences.css
  • css\templates\membership-access-denied.css
  • css\templates\membership-create-new-password.css
  • css\templates\membership-registration.css
  • css\templates\membership-request-password-reset.css
  • css\templates\membership-sign-in.css
  • css\templates\membership-sign-out.css
  • css\templates\system-404-error.css
  • css\templates\system-500-error.css
  • css\templates\system-password-prompt.css
  • css\templates\system-search-results.css
  • images\section-previews\theme-corners.jpg
  • images\section-previews\wrap-up.jpg
  • images\template-previews\about.jpg
  • images\template-previews\blank-no-header-footer.jpg
  • images\template-previews\blank.jpg
  • images\template-previews\blog-listing.jpg
  • images\template-previews\blog-post.jpg
  • images\template-previews\contact-1.jpg
  • images\template-previews\contact-2.jpg
  • images\template-previews\contact-3.jpg
  • images\template-previews\cover.png
  • images\template-previews\email-subscription-confirmation.jpg
  • images\template-previews\email-subscription-preferences.jpg
  • images\template-previews\email-subscription-unsubscribe-backup.jpg
  • images\template-previews\faqs.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-2.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-3.jpg
  • images\template-previews\home-6.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-access-denied.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-create-new-password.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-registration.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-request-password-reset.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-sign-in.jpg
  • images\template-previews\membership-sign-out.jpg
  • images\template-previews\pricing.jpg
  • images\template-previews\product.jpg
  • images\template-previews\quick-promo.jpg
  • images\template-previews\services.jpg
  • images\template-previews\system-404-error.jpg
  • images\template-previews\system-500-error.jpg
  • images\template-previews\system-password-prompt.jpg
  • images\template-previews\system-search-results.jpg
  • images\template-previews\team-member.jpg
  • js\components\parallax.js
  • js\templates\system-500-error.js
  • sections\theme-corners.html
  • sections\wrap-up.html
  • templates\_locales\da\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\de\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\en\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\es\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\fi\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\fr\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\hu\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\it\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\ja\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\nl\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\no\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\pl\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\pt\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\ro\messages.json
  • templates\_locales\sv\messages.json
  • templates\email-subscription-confirmation.html
  • templates\email-subscription-preferences.html
  • templates\email-subscription-unsubscribe-backup.html
  • templates\home-6.html
  • templates\membership-access-denied.html
  • templates\membership-create-new-password.html
  • templates\membership-registration.html
  • templates\membership-request-password-reset.html
  • templates\membership-sign-in.html
  • templates\membership-sign-out.html
  • templates\quick-promo.html
  • templates\system-404-error.html
  • templates\system-500-error.html
  • templates\system-password-prompt.html
  • templates\system-search-results.html

Version 34

June 20, 2024

You can now apply a custom background color or gradient to the Rich text box:

Act3 — rich text box custom

Live preview

Added a new Toggle collapse option to the Rich text module. When enabled, the collapse/expand button remains visible after expanding the content, allowing users to collapse the content again:

Act3 — rich text toggle collapse

Live preview

Removed the link from the title on the newer Blog post template.

Added default to Navigation and Mobile navigation menu fields to avoid Code alerts.

Made the Above the header drag-and-drop area in the header functional.

Mapped the contact field in the Mobile navigation module to details to help with page prerendering.

Files updated

  • css\components\rich-text-collapsed.css
  • js\components\rich-text-collapsed.js
  • modules\mobile-nav.module\fields.json
  • modules\mobile-nav.module\module.html
  • modules\nav.module\fields.json
  • modules\rich-text.module\fields.json
  • modules\rich-text.module\module.html
  • partials\header-01.html
  • partials\header-02.html
  • partials\header-03.html
  • partials\header-04.html
  • partials\header-05.html
  • partials\header-06.html
  • partials\header-lp-01.html
  • partials\header-lp-02.html
  • templates\blog-post.html

Version 33

June 10, 2024

Fixed an issue with the Post narration. Previously, we checked for the audio file generated with the post narration and rendered the module only if this file existed. We did that to avoid loading unnecessary script and CSS files that come with this module, even if there's no post narration. But this check prevents it from generating narrations on posts that don't already have one, so we are removing this optimization to fix it.

Files updated

  • templates/blog-post.html

Version 32

June 4, 2024

Corrected calculation of read time on the Blog card module when extra modules are present in the post body. This issue arose due to the post_body variable not loading extra modules under certain conditions, which we believe it's just a temporary issue in HubSpot that should be resolved shortly.

Fixed variable names that prevented the correct font-weight from being applied to <strong> and <b> elements within heading tags.

Fixed the inconsistent spacing caused by the extra wrapper added by the form dependent fields. For the best results we recommended always using one-column rows when setting up depended fields.

As part of our ongoing effort to adapt to the new Content Security Policy (CSP) settings, we have removed the remaining onclick attributes from the theme. Please note that using our Link onclick field still works as before, but it will no longer generate an onclick attribute.

The Recommended tag used with the Popular posts option in the Blog card module is no longer ignored.

Updated the code of the Blog card module to support displaying more than 10 posts per page.

Files updated

  • css\_base.css
  • css\_form.css
  • js\components\content-card.js
  • js\components\modal.js
  • js\components\multi-address.js
  • modules\blog-card.module\module.html
  • modules\image-box.module\module.html
  • modules\listing.module\fields.json
  • modules\listing.module\module.html
  • modules\multi-address.module\module.html
  • templates\error-500.html

Version 31

May 2, 2024

We’ve developed a new blog template — Blog listing and Blog post, which contains all previous designs. The new template includes additional customization options and allows you to edit settings and text labels for each individual blog, rather than globally for all blogs using the template.

Act3 — new blog template and configuration

You can easily edit your blog listing page and access the Blog configuration module in the Contents sidebar, where you can find options for all major blog sections and elements.

Act3 — blog config example

You can hide or show the hero area on homepage or post pages, show the latest post, a featured post of your choice, or enable a drag and drop area where you can add any desired content.

The header can still overlap the content as it did before, maintaining the same visual effect. However, you now have the added capability to disable it selectively for either the homepage or post page, depending on the type of hero section you have.

Other features that are worth mentioning: show or hide the toolbar with either the search, topics, or title elements independently for the listing or post views, show summary on blog cards, “Load More” pagination for all listing layouts, global sidebar using a global partial (you can clone and use a different one for each blog if you are using a child theme — learn more here), remove read time, related posts section, etc.

This will also allow us to add new options in the future.

Read more about the Blog configuration.

In the new blog template, we also included the option to specify tags or posts IDs for the "Related posts" section. More details here.

Added the option to hide the 'read time' on the Blog card module.

Introduced the option to add a custom ID and class to the Comparison table module.

Replace the deprecated site_settings.favicon_src with brand_settings.favicon.src in the templates/_base.html file.

Fixed a bug where Properties links to a Modal weren't working properly.

Resolved a problem where the Post narration player overlapped with the sticky header.

Resolved the issue of the thin line occasionally appearing in Safari when using Section extra settings decorations.

Fixed a problem with missing icons in Rich text fields, in Safari and Firefox.

The Modal module will no longer load files if there are no modals.

Files added

  • css\components\blog-classic-sidebar.css
  • css\components\blog-listing-4.css
  • css\components\blog-sidebar.css
  • images\template-previews\blog-listing.png
  • modules\blog-config.module\fields.json
  • modules\blog-config.module\meta.json
  • modules\blog-config.module\module.css
  • modules\blog-config.module\module.html
  • modules\blog-config.module\module.js
  • partials\blog-listing-1.html
  • partials\blog-listing-2.html
  • partials\blog-listing-3.html
  • partials\blog-listing-4.html
  • partials\blog-sidebar.html
  • templates\blog-listing.html
  • templates\blog-post.html
  • theme.json

Files updated

  • css\_base.css
  • css\components\blog-body-1.css
  • css\components\blog-card.css
  • css\components\blog-toolbar-1.css
  • css\components\section-extra-settings.css
  • css\main.css
  • css\templates\blog-4.css
  • js\components\blog-search.js
  • js\components\modal.js
  • js\components\tag-list.js
  • js\main.js
  • macros\utility.html
  • modules\blog-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\blog-card.module\module.html
  • modules\comparison-table.module\fields.json
  • modules\comparison-table.module\module.html
  • modules\modal.module\module.html
  • templates\_base.html
  • theme.json

Version 30

April 2, 2024

Fixed an issue from the previous update where Link onclick events were not firing on Listing items.

Files updated

  • js/components/modal.js
  • macros/utility.html

Version 29

April 1, 2024

Implemented HubSpot's new Post narration (AI voice) feature in all blog templates:

Act3 — act3 blog post narration

Included the new Pop-up CTA and Payment options to all links:

Act3 — new link options

Introduced a Dark color scheme option for the Timeline:

Act3 — timeline dark

Added the option to adjust the spacing between Accordion items:

Act3 — space between accordion items

Introduced Item title tag and Item title looks like options to the Accordion module:

Act3 — accordion item title options

Added the option to display a 'No results' message when the Listing search or filtering yields no items:

Act3 — listing no results option

Included the option to display a legend at the bottom of the Comparison table. After enabling this, you can edit the text at the bottom of each icon settings (the place where you select your Icon image):

Act3 — comparison table legend

In the theme settings, you can now select any header for your landing pages, but the LP headers are still recommended. And you can do the same for the regular website header.

Other minor improvements and fixes.

More updates coming soon!

Files updated

  • css\_badge.css
  • css\_base.css
  • css\_button.css
  • css\_icon.css
  • css\components\accordion.css
  • css\components\blog-body-1.css
  • css\components\blog-card.css
  • css\components\compact-card.css
  • css\components\comparison-table.css
  • css\components\feature-card.css
  • css\components\form-ghost.css
  • css\components\form.css
  • css\components\go-card.css
  • css\components\listing.css
  • css\components\quick-action.css
  • css\components\review.css
  • css\components\rich-text.css
  • css\components\scroll-to.css
  • css\components\section-extra-settings.css
  • css\components\team-card.css
  • css\components\timeline.css
  • css\templates\blog-4.css
  • fields.json
  • js\components\listing.js
  • js\components\modal.js
  • macros\utility.html
  • modules\accordion.module\fields.json
  • modules\accordion.module\module.html
  • modules\box-over-image.module\fields.json
  • modules\button.module\fields.json
  • modules\column-navigation.module\fields.json
  • modules\compact-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\comparison-table.module\fields.json
  • modules\comparison-table.module\module.html
  • modules\contact-box.module\fields.json
  • modules\content-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\cover-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\feature-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\features-showcase.module\fields.json
  • modules\go-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\hero-slider.module\fields.json
  • modules\icon.module\fields.json
  • modules\image-box.module\fields.json
  • modules\image-plus-text.module\fields.json
  • modules\image.module\fields.json
  • modules\listing.module\fields.json
  • modules\listing.module\module.html
  • modules\logos.module\fields.json
  • modules\mobile-nav.module\fields.json
  • modules\modal.module\fields.json
  • modules\nav.module\fields.json
  • modules\nav.module\module.html
  • modules\pricing.module\fields.json
  • modules\properties.module\fields.json
  • modules\quick-action.module\fields.json
  • modules\quick-features.module\fields.json
  • modules\quote.module\fields.json
  • modules\review.module\fields.json
  • modules\shifter.module\fields.json
  • modules\team-card.module\fields.json
  • modules\timeline.module\fields.json
  • modules\timeline.module\module.html
  • partials\header-01.html
  • partials\header-02.html
  • partials\header-03.html
  • partials\header-04.html
  • partials\header-05.html
  • partials\header-06.html
  • partials\header-lp-01.html
  • partials\header-lp-02.html
  • templates\_base.html
  • templates\blog-1-post.html
  • templates\blog-2-post.html
  • templates\blog-3-post.html
  • templates\blog-4-listing.html
  • templates\blog-4-post.html

Version 28

Feb 20, 2024

Introduced a couple of new Theme settings: Miscellaneous > Ghost blur and Ghost blur amount, which allows you to apply a background blur effect to elements styled with the 'Ghost' style option, such as Buttons and Cards, enhancing their visual appearance across your entire theme. This option is enabled by default. If you don't want this to apply on your website, we recommend disabling it from your Theme settings > Miscellaneous after installing the update.

Act3 — ghost blur

Added categories and tags to all Act3 modules following HubSpot's recommendation for improved module organization within the page editor. We strongly recommend using Theme modules whenever possible.

Changed the label of a few modules that had the same name as default HubSpot modules to prevent confusion. We added (Act3) to their label, for example, Image (Act3).

Updated the Features showcase, Shifter, and Tabs modules to no longer use the onclick attribute, in accordance with new security recommendations.

Other minor fixes and improvements.

Files updated

  • css\_badge.css
  • css\_base.css
  • css\_button.css
  • css\_form.css
  • css\_icon.css
  • css\components\blog-card.css
  • css\components\compact-card.css
  • css\components\feature-card.css
  • css\components\form-ghost.css
  • css\components\form.css
  • css\components\go-card.css
  • css\components\quick-action.css
  • css\components\review.css
  • css\components\rich-text.css
  • css\components\scroll-to.css
  • css\components\team-card.css
  • css\main.css
  • fields.json
  • js\components\features-showcase.js
  • js\components\shifter.js
  • js\components\tabs.js
  • js\main.js
  • modules\accordion\meta.json
  • modules\blog-card\fields.json
  • modules\blog-card\meta.json
  • modules\blog-card\module.html
  • modules\blog-settings\meta.json
  • modules\box-over-image\meta.json
  • modules\button\meta.json
  • modules\column-navigation\meta.json
  • modules\compact-card\meta.json
  • modules\comparison-table\meta.json
  • modules\contact-box\meta.json
  • modules\content-card\meta.json
  • modules\cover-card\meta.json
  • modules\feature-card\meta.json
  • modules\features-showcase\meta.json
  • modules\features-showcase\module.html
  • modules\form\meta.json
  • modules\gallery\meta.json
  • modules\go-card\meta.json
  • modules\heading\meta.json
  • modules\hero-slider\meta.json
  • modules\icon\meta.json
  • modules\image-box\meta.json
  • modules\image-plus-text\meta.json
  • modules\image\meta.json
  • modules\lang-select\meta.json
  • modules\listing\meta.json
  • modules\logos\meta.json
  • modules\mobile-nav\meta.json
  • modules\modal\meta.json
  • modules\multi-address\meta.json
  • modules\nav\meta.json
  • modules\numbers\meta.json
  • modules\pillar-nav\meta.json
  • modules\pricing\meta.json
  • modules\properties\meta.json
  • modules\quick-action\meta.json
  • modules\quick-features\meta.json
  • modules\quote\meta.json
  • modules\review\meta.json
  • modules\rich-text\meta.json
  • modules\scroll-to\meta.json
  • modules\section-extra-settings\meta.json
  • modules\section-intro\meta.json
  • modules\sharing\meta.json
  • modules\shifter\meta.json
  • modules\shifter\module.html
  • modules\side-menu\meta.json
  • modules\site-search\meta.json
  • modules\steps\meta.json
  • modules\tabs\meta.json
  • modules\tabs\module.html
  • modules\team-card\meta.json
  • modules\timeline\meta.json
  • modules\video\fields.json
  • modules\video\meta.json
  • modules\video\module.html
  • templates\home-1.html
  • theme.json

Version 27

Feb 12, 2024

Added custom color, gradient, and CSS background options to the Section extra settings:

Act3 - New Section Extra Settings Options


You can now set Button widths, ideal for creating evenly sized buttons.

Added Badge pill styling using the badge--pill class.

Introduced the possibility to add custom classes to Mega flyouts in the Navigation module.

Timeline text now fully extends to the width of the box when the image is absent.

Addressed a Lighthouse recommendation to enhance the slider's scrolling performance.

Eliminated the extra space from the blog author page when there is no photo.

Removed unused logo, depending on header type (static vs. overlapping); previously hidden only.

Steps navigation now correctly aligns with the text (Wrapper > Text Alignment).

Corrected an issue leading to excess spacing at the bottom of Mega flyouts.

Blog text labels now correctly derive from their respective blog template settings.

Fixed an error that prevented the minification of form.css file.

Resolved an issue where the Video > Embed URL feature was not displaying multiple videos on the page as expected.

Other minor fixes.

Files updated

  • css\_badge.css
  • css\_layout.css
  • css\components\blog-author.css
  • css\components\form.css
  • css\components\section-extra-settings.css
  • css\components\steps.css
  • css\components\timeline.css
  • js\components\splide.js
  • macros\utility.html
  • modules\button\fields.json
  • modules\button\module.html
  • modules\nav\fields.json
  • modules\nav\module.html
  • modules\section-extra-settings\fields.json
  • modules\section-extra-settings\module.html
  • modules\section-intro\module.html
  • modules\timeline\module.html
  • modules\video\module.html
  • partials\header-01.html
  • partials\header-02.html
  • partials\header-03.html
  • partials\header-04.html
  • partials\header-05.html
  • partials\header-06.html
  • partials\header-lp-01.html
  • partials\header-lp-02.html
  • templates\blog-1-listing.html
  • templates\blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates\blog-2-post.html
  • templates\blog-3-listing.html

Version 26

Sep 14, 2023

Added custom color options to the Feature card module, plus the possibility to use a plain image instead of a styled icon, and adjust its corner radius:

Act3 - Feature card module - Custom card color

Live preview

Introduced a Show captionOff hover option to the Image box module, along with a Video on hover feature (refer to the instructions within the module), and enhanced the display of captions on non-hover devices. We've also added the option to show an Image on hover:

Live preview

All content contributes to your page's network payloads. Consider using fewer and smaller videos or avoid using videos altogether when the message allows. Additionally, always optimize your images and videos.

Applied theme's corner radius setting to the Lightbox to keep it consistent with the rest of the elements.

Act3 - Lightbox corner radius

Live preview

Updated the X (Twitter) icon on the Sharing module, and also included the option to add custom networks if you use the module in pages.

Act3 — Sharing module — X (Twitter) icon, custom icons

Updated the X (Twitter) icon on all blog templates.

The top section on the Header 4 will no longer appear if empty.

Act3 — Header 4 — Hide Top Section if Empty

Files updated

  • modules/feature-card/fields.json
  • modules/feature-card/module.html
  • modules/image-box/fields.json
  • modules/image-box/module.html
  • css/components/image-box.css
  • css/_lightbox.css
  • macros/utility.html
  • modules/sharing/fields.json
  • modules/sharing/module.html
  • templates/blog-1-listing.html
  • templates/blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates/blog-3-listing.html
  • templates/blog-4-listing.html
  • css/components/header-04.css

Version 25

Jul 27, 2023

Added custom card color options to the Compact card module:

Act3 - Compact card module - Custom card color

Fixed Steps number icons to use the theme's font instead of a generic one, to keep it consistent with similar elements.

Mobile navigation now closes automatically if an anchor inside is clicked.

Fixed a problem that prevented Lightbox to work inside Listing.

Added Extra large option to Quick features icons.

Files updated

  • modules/compact-card/fields.json
  • modules/compact-card/module.html
  • css/components/steps.css
  • js/components/mobile-nav.js
  • js/components/lightbox.js

Version 24

Jun 30, 2023

Added the option to Search specific domains.

Fixed a rendering issue with the Steps SVG icons on Safari.

Added the option to disable the loop on Lightbox mp4/mp3 media files using the noloop class.

Files updated

  • css/components/steps.css
  • js/components/lightbox.js
  • modules/site-search/module.html
  • modules/site-search/fields.json
  • js/components/site-search.js

Version 23

May 26, 2023

Fixed an issue with the position of tooltips on scrolling.

Added an option in the Blog settings to disable the pill shape for the Topics button.

Updated the theme fields to comply with the new marketplace requirements.

Files updated

  • js/main.js
  • modules/blog-settings/fields.json
  • templates/blog-1-listing.html
  • templates/blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates/blog-3-listing.html
  • fields.json

Version 22

May 17, 2023

We introduced a new template called Blank, no header & footer, which enables you to create pages with a drag-and-drop layout without the global header and footer:

Act3 - New HubSpot template: Blank, no header & footer

The navigation on the Shifter module can now be styled with buttons:

Act3 - Shifter module - Button navigation

You can now select a different icon from the HubSpot library for the Scroll to module:

Act3 - Scroll to - Custom icon

Introduced the option to add Tooltips to the Link buttons on the Button module:

Act3 - Button tooltip

We optimized the CSS generated by the module's Wrapper styles.

Fixed a line break issue with the Info label on the Pricing module.

Added H1 on the tag/topic blog view for SEO. Nothing changed visually.

Appended (Act3) to some module names to distinguish from the default HubSpot modules, as a new Marketplace requirement.

Fixed a Mega Menu position issue in the page editor.

Files added

  • templates/blank-no-header-footer.html

Files updated

  • modules/shifter/fields.json
  • modules/shifter/module.html
  • css/components/shifter.css
  • js/components/shifter.js
  • modules/scroll-to/fields.json
  • modules/scroll-to/module.html
  • css/components/scroll-to.css
  • css/components/pricing.css
  • macros/utility.html
  • modules/button/fields.json
  • modules/button/module.html
  • css/_tooltips.css
  • templates/blog-1-listing.html
  • templates/blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates/blog-3-listing.html
  • css/components/nav.css

Version 21

Mar 17, 2023

Important! Please be aware of the following change if you use the Header 3:

The logo on the sticky header (mobile-only) was the same as from the static or overlapping header, and we corrected that with this update. There is a new module, Sticky header logo (mobile-only), where you can add your version of the logo for the sticky header, on mobile only, as per this header design. Once you update, please check your pages and see if you need to replace the sticky header logo.

We included the Overlapping header option on the Blog 2 Listing. This option may be useful in case you want to add a large hero area at the top of the blog homepage using the DnD area:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Blog listing 2 overlapping header

We addressed a problem with the Gallery module when the Grid gallery type was set to display 5 columns, but there were actually 6.

The columns on the Blog 1 Post, Blog 2 Post, Blog 3 Post templates now stack on medium screens so the sidebar is no longer too narrow.

Files updated

  • partials/header-03.html
  • css/components/header-03.css
  • modules/gallery/module.html
  • blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates/blog-1-post.html
  • templates/blog-2-post.html
  • templates/blog-3-post.html

Version 20

Mar 1, 2023

Added the option to select a Dark or Light color scheme for the Navigation on the Features showcase module:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Listing module - Drop-down placeholder update

Fixed a bug with the Language selector that caused the language to appear in the drop-down, even if the translated variation was only a draft and not published yet.

Fixed a bug with the Team card not showing the Code field when the IconCode type was selected.

Fixed an issue that caused black bars to appear in some cases on videos with 16:9 aspect ratio, when the Embed option was used with the Video module.

Updated the Timeline module to remove the date badge entirely if no date is specified.

We no longer attach the CSS and JS files to modules via the meta.json file. Instead we now reference them directly within the module.html* due to some recent marketplace installation problems; and we decided this is a better method anyway.

Files updated

  • * All modules have the module.html and meta.json files updated
  • modules/team-card/fields.json
  • modules/listing/fields.json
  • css/components/features-showcase.css

Version 19

Jan 24, 2023

Fixed an issue with the Comparison table not displaying correctly on some portals.

Files updated

  • modules/comparison-table/module.html

Version 18

Jan 20, 2023

Fixed the Collapse description functionality on the ListingContent card.

Added option to the Mega menu to specify how the browser distributes space between the columns.

Files updated

  • js/components/content-card.js
  • modules/nav/fields.json
  • modules/nav/module.html

Version 17

Jan 18, 2023

Addressed a problem with the accent gradient background not being applied to certain elements in the following components: Compact card, Feature card, Features showcase, Go card, Mobile navigation, Shifter, Side menu, and Timeline. This was caused by a wrong variable being used: accent instead of accent_bg, as designed.

Resolved a problem with the Concave decoration in the Section extra settings module, that caused a half-pixel browser glitch when the page was zoomed-in.

Files updated

  • css/components/compact-card.css
  • css/components/feature-card.css
  • css/components/features-showcase.css
  • css/components/go-card.css
  • css/components/mobile-nav.css
  • css/components/shifter.css
  • css/components/side-menu.css
  • css/components/timeline.css
  • modules/section-extra-settings/module.html

Version 16

Dec 5, 2022

New module available!Comparison table. Up to 10 columns, freeze first column, scrollable, optional sticky table header, replaceable icons, tooltips, adjustable cell padding and font-size on all screen-sizes, light and dark color schemes, and many other options. Browse a live example.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Comparison table

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Comparison table

Videos can now be lazy-loaded:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Video module - Lazy-loading option

Slightly improved the user experience with the drop-down component on the Listing module and the blog templates. We removed the placeholder from the drop-down list when nothing is selected, and also made the placeholder and the active category in the drop-down more distinguishable:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Listing module - Drop-down placeholder update

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Blog - Topics drop-down placeholder update

Added the option to remove the subscription section/box from the blog templates:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Blog - Option to remove the subscription section/box

Added Dark color scheme to the Content card module:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Content card dark scheme

Added the option to remove the default space after the title on the Content card module, to allow for more card design options. Use wisely! — this is recommended only if you have a title and some short description or date after. Otherwise we recommend leaving this off. Here is an example:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Content card - Example of a card without the space after the title

Additionally, we added an option for extra space at the bottom of the card, which is useful for a more even space on this card design:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Content card - Extra bottom space

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Content card - Extra bottom space example

Content card description can now expand/collapse on all cards in a module at the same time:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Content card - Example of a card without the space after the title

Added Code option for the Pricing buttons, in case you need to embed external buttons:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Pricing module - Code button option

Addressed a recent problem with the Subscription preferences labels constructed by HubSpot from multiple text fields separated by a vertical bar | symbol.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Subscription preferences constructed label

Applied theme styles to the new Subscription preferences language drop-down:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Subscription preferences styled language drop-down

Removed our sample image from the blog sidebar on Blog 1, Blog 2, and Blog 3 templates. Moving on, when creating a new post, the Post aside will be empty by default.

We have also thoroughly analyzed the possibility to add global content in the sidebar, and developed a method described here. The blog templates have been updated to include HubL comments to make it easier for your to proceed with the described method.

Fixed a CSS issue that caused wrong space in headers when using CTA buttons.

Resolved a problem with the Gallery and Lightbox not functioning correctly when images contained URL parameters.

Fixed some issues with certain Text fields in the Blog 3 settings not updating on the blog.

Fixed an issue with Team cards not being of equal height in the Listing module.

Removed the unnecessary srcset attribute when using SVGs.

Resolved a problem that prevented images to render when served from folders with commas , in their name.

Fixed a minor problem caused by a recent form style in HubSpot regarding the legal consent required-field message (the inline style was making the text red and not visible with similar accent colors).

Files added

  • modules/comparison-table
  • css/components/comparison-table.css
  • js/components/comparison-table.js
  • js/components/tippy.js

Files updated

  • css/_form.css
  • css/components/content-card.css
  • css/components/drop-down.css
  • css/components/header-01.css
  • css/components/header-02.css
  • css/components/header-03.css
  • css/components/header-04.css
  • css/components/header-05.css
  • css/components/header-06.css
  • css/components/header-lp-02.css
  • css/components/team-card.css
  • css/templates/subscription-preferences.css
  • js/components/content-card.js
  • js/components/lightbox.js
  • js/components/video.js
  • js/main.js
  • macros/utility.html
  • modules/blog-settings/fields.json
  • modules/content-card/fields.json
  • modules/content-card/module.html
  • modules/listing/module.html
  • modules/pricing/fields.json
  • modules/pricing/module.html
  • modules/video/fields.json
  • modules/video/module.html
  • templates/blog-1-listing.html
  • templates/blog-1-post.html
  • templates/blog-2-listing-v2.html
  • templates/blog-2-post.html
  • templates/blog-3-listing.html
  • templates/blog-3-post.html
  • templates/blog-4-post.html

Version 15

May 11, 2022

Fixed an issue with the Modal module when both page and global modals contain forms.

Files updated

  • modules/modal/module.html

Version 14

Apr 20, 2022

Fixed an issue with external fonts.

Files updated

  • css/_base.css
  • css/_variables.css

Version 13

Mar 3, 2022

Fixed an issue with the Shifter module from the previous update.

Files updated

  • modules/shifter/fields.json

Version 12

Mar 1, 2022

There is a new version of the Blog 2 Listing template (Blog 2 Listing v2), where you can easily edit and drag-and-drop the intro content using HubSpot's new blog listing editor. Your previous Blog 2 Listing template and blogs won't be affected if you install this new update, but if you want to use the new template, you need to select it in your blog settings and enable the new editing experience. This way you can use the Blog 2 design for multiple blogs, each with its own intro.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Blog 2 Listing v2 - Blog listing page editing

Along with the new blog template version mentioned above, we updated the Blog settings module to include an explanation for the intro rich text fields. They will no longer be used with the new template version, but still applied to your existing Blog 2 Listing template.

You can now use URLs/links to filter your Listings (module). Learn how.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Listing filter with hash/URL

Included an option to remove the half-screen accent background from the Features showcase module.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Features showcase module

Added slides to adjust the price size on the Pricing module.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Pricing module - Custom price size

Included an option with the Shifter module that allows you to make the navigation a bit more compact, which may be useful and look a little better with many items.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Shifter module - Compact nav

Added a custom class (important-quote) that you can apply to <blockquote> elements in Rich text (Advanced > Source code) for a special styling (see the full code below):

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Important quote sample

<blockquote class="important-quote">
  <p>The rich text module offers editing options for multiple types of content, such as text formatting, images, links, CTAs, and more. The rich text module offers editing options for multiple types of content, such as text formatting, images, links, CTAs, and more.</p>
  <p style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>- John Doe, Company, Inc.</strong></p>

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Important quote source code

Added the possibility to adjust the logo column width (based on a 12-column grid) when editing your header. You will find three text boxes in your header, one for each screen size, where you can add a number from 2 to 6. Header 5 doesn't need this.

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Logo column width

Improved the performance of the Modal animation on Safari.

Fixed a problem with the Pricing checkmarks being shrunk if the text was too long.

Files updated

  • css/_base.css
  • css/components/features-showcase.css
  • css/components/modal.css
  • css/components/pricing.css
  • css/components/shifter.css
  • js/components/listing.js
  • modules/blog-settings/fields.json
  • modules/features-showcase/fields.json
  • modules/features-showcase/module.html
  • modules/listing/module.html
  • modules/shifter/fields.json
  • modules/shifter/module.html
  • partials/header-01.html
  • partials/header-02.html
  • partials/header-03.html
  • partials/header-04.html
  • partials/header-06.html
  • partials/header-lp-01.html
  • partials/header-lp-02.html

Version 11

Jan 4, 2022


Please take the time to read all notes below before updating because there are some major changes in this version that may impact your live website, especially if you are using a modified child theme.

If you have a child theme and don't use the child.css or child.js or their equivalent that HubSpot automatically creates when you make your child theme first, then we recommend deleting the templates/_base.html file from your child theme, so the new updated version is used instead. Otherwise, some of the updates here, including the modals, won't apply. In which case, you'll have to copy and paste the new modals code block from the original templates/_base.html template to your child theme file. Please reach out if you need help with this.

You can now add Modals (popups) to your pages, either globally or on a specific page, as stand-alone or gallery, and can open them from any link or element on the page, usually with an onclick event. Modals are also navigable with the keyboard and can be closed with the Escape key or Tab away. More details | Examples

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Modals/Popups

The theme is now RTL-ready. If you are using a modified child version, please be aware that some elements are now using RTL-friendly properties, such as padding-inline-start instead of the old padding-left, or text-align: end instead of text-align: right, etc. So if you've made CSS changes, you may experience minor spacing issues that you need to address after updating. Some editor labels still refer to the 'Left' / 'Right' direction, but they actually have an inverse meaning on an RTL page (e.g., Column align: Left will actually align the columns to the Right).

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Modals/Popups

To not burden other theme copies with unnecessary code, we added an option in the Theme settings > Miscellaneous, where you can make your theme RTL-ready if you are planning on using an RTL language:

Act3 HubSpot Theme - Settings - Miscellaneous - RTL ready

We added a very simple Footer 12 that some users may prefer to set for landing pages.

Dropped support for IE, following HubSpot's announcement back in July 2021 that it's no longer supporting this browser. This allows us to use more modern technologies (ES6, CSS variables, etc.) and make the theme even more lightweight. Although the global usage of IE has declined to near zero, if your website in particular still needs to support this browser to an extent, we recommend not updating to Version 11.

Replaced the method to add space between buttons and icons with a more performant, simple, and efficient way that uses CSS gap instead of margin.

Because of the change mentioned above, the sharing.css file used with the Sharing module is no longer needed, so we deleted it.

Fixed a problem with the Pillar navigation scroll offset, which now gets the values from the Theme Settings, as initially intended, instead of just using a fixed value.

The Listing pagination is no longer shown if there's only one page.

Files updated

  • Most files have been updated.

Version 10

Dec 13, 2021

Added options for word breaking in Theme settings > Typography

Act3 - HubSpot Theme Settings - Typography - Word breaking - Sample

Added variables so you can edit/translate the text on your system pages. More details: How to edit the text on system pages

Act3 - HubSpot System Pages - Translate

Added custom color and gradient options for buttons

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Gradient Buttons

Added custom gradient options for icons

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Feature card - Gradient icons

Added Column layout options to the mega menu

Act3 - HubSpot Mega Menu columns

Made the Mega flyouts delay option available in the Navigation module settings

Act3 - HubSpot Mega menu flyouts delay

Made the mega menu scrollable if it doesn’t fit the viewport height

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Scrollable Mega Menu

Added onclick attributes to all module links, so you can also trigger onclick actions with JavaScript. For example, activate a tab from another link on the page by adding this function to the onclick attribute: go_to_tab('tab4')

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Link onclick attribute

Included the option to add a link to the image on the Box over image module.

Made the Hero slider content take the full width of the container if no maximum width is set.

Fixed a problem with the Hero slider button text on hover, being overridden by the dark color scheme.

Updated the Go card and Image box modules to follow the column settings even in case there’s only one item in the repeater, keeping it consistent with other similar components.

Fixed a minor spacing problem with the icons on the Mobile navigation module, if one of the items didn’t include a link.

Removed the link from the blog post title on the blog post view.

Fixed a problem with the position and space between multiple buttons if at least one is a Call to Action.

Fixed an overlapping issue in the page editor with the header, pillar nav and the module that's being edited.

Other minor fixes.

Files updated

  • css/_base.css
  • css/_variables.css
  • css/components/header-01.css
  • css/components/header-01-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-02.css
  • css/components/header-02-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-03.css
  • css/components/header-03-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-04.css
  • css/components/header-04-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-05.css
  • css/components/header-05-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-06.css
  • css/components/header-06-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-lp-01-overlap.css
  • css/components/header-lp-02-overlap.css
  • css/components/hero-slider.css
  • css/components/mobile-nav.css
  • css/components/nav.css
  • css/components/pillar-nav.css
  • fields.json
  • macros/utility.html
  • module/box-over-image/fields.json
  • module/box-over-image/module.html
  • modules/button/fields.json
  • modules/button/module.html
  • modules/contact-box/fields.json
  • modules/contact-box/module.html
  • modules/content-card/fields.json
  • modules/content-card/module.html
  • modules/cover-card/module.html
  • modules/feature-card/fields.json
  • modules/feature-card/module.html
  • modules/features-showcase/module.html
  • modules/form/fields.json
  • modules/form/module.html
  • modules/go-card/module.html
  • modules/hero-slider/fields.json
  • modules/hero-slider/module.html
  • modules/icon/fields.json
  • modules/icon/module.html
  • modules/image-box/module.html
  • modules/image-plus-text/fields.json
  • modules/image-plus-text/module.html
  • modules/listing/fields.json
  • modules/listing/module.html
  • modules/mobile-nav/fields.json
  • modules/mobile-nav/module.html
  • modules/nav/fields.json
  • modules/nav/module.html
  • modules/pricing/fields.json
  • modules/pricing/module.html
  • modules/properties/fields.json
  • modules/properties/module.html
  • modules/quick-features/fields.json
  • modules/quick-features/module.html
  • modules/shifter/fields.json
  • modules/shifter/module.html
  • partials/header-01.html
  • partials/header-02.html
  • partials/header-03.html
  • partials/header-04.html
  • partials/header-05.html
  • partials/header-06.html
  • templates/blog-1-post.html
  • templates/blog-2-post.html
  • templates/blog-3-post.html
  • templates/error-404.html
  • templates/error-500.html
  • templates/password-prompt.html
  • templates/subscription-confirmation.html
  • templates/subscription-preferences.html
  • templates/unsubscribe-backup.html

Version 9

Oct 26, 2021

Fixed a problem with the Nav module, where the link applied to the aside image in the mega menu was not functional.

Files updated

  • modules/nav/module.html

Version 8

Oct 4, 2021

Included email notification and follow-up options with the Form and Shifter modules.

Set absolute URLs in the Language selector module.

Disabled language URL rewrite for the Language selector, Nav and Mobile nav modules.

Files updated

  • modules/form/fields.json
  • modules/form/module.html
  • modules/form/shifter.json
  • modules/lang-select/module.html
  • modules/mobile-nav/module.html
  • modules/nav/module.html
  • modules/shifter/module.html

Version 7

Sep 28, 2021

Fixed an issue with the font-family property when using certain web safe fonts.

Files updated

  • css/_variables.css

Version 6

Sep 20, 2021

We included 20 reusable sections so you can create pages even faster. Watch video

You can now list specific posts by ID with the Blog card module, even mixing posts from different blogs. Watch video

Updated the Logos module so the logos in the carousel are now centered by default.

Added an option to remove the default space after paragraphs in the Rich text module.

Fixed an issue with the Image plus text module, where the dark color scheme affected some button color on hover.

Files updated

  • css/_base.css
  • modules/blog-card/module.html
  • modules/image-plus-text/module.html
  • modules/logos/fields.json
  • modules/rich-text/module.html

Version 5

Aug 30, 2021

Just corrected an error from the last update with the textarea corners

Files updated

  • css/_variables.css

Version 4

Aug 26, 2021

Fixed a bug with the Thumbnails gallery not working properly with multiple sliders on the same page.

Fixed an issue with the Rich Text columns not being equal in the Listing module.

Improved the look of textarea with large round corners.

Set a higher z-index for the Lightbox component to prevent overlapping in the page editor.

Added Settings and Wrapper to the Sharing module.

Files updated

  • css/_form.css
  • css/_lightbox.css
  • css/_variables.css
  • css/components/listing-rich-text.css
  • css/components/sharing.css
  • modules/gallery/module.html
  • modules/sharing/fields.json
  • modules/sharing/module.html

Version 3

Aug 23, 2021

Added an option to list Recent posts by author in the Blog card module.

Set absolute URL paths for posts in the Blog card module to support blog subdomains.

Set a higher z-index on drop-down menus to always appear in front of other content on the page.

Files updated

  • css/components/nav.css
  • modules/blog-card/fields.json
  • modules/blog-card/module.html

Version 2

Aug 11, 2021

Fixed a bug with the Listing component, when an unescaped special character caused an error

Set relevant covers for the blog templates

Files updated

  • modules/listing/module.html

Version 1

Jul 30, 2021