System pages

HubSpot system pages are predefined pages that handle specific functions related to user interactions and system actions, such as the 404 error page, which appears when a visitor tries to access a non-existent page on your site. You can learn more about system pages in HubSpot here.

How to use system pages

To use a specific system page template, you need to set it as the default in your content settings. Then, whenever the system needs to display an error or redirect the user to their subscription preferences page, HubSpot will show the page template you have set as the default.

You cannot use a system page template to create a regular page. These templates do not appear in the list of options when creating a new page.

In Act3, we developed all the required system page templates (and membership templates) to match your theme's design. Depending on the type, you can select them in the following locations:

For these system pages:

  • 404 error
  • 500 error
  • Password prompt
  • Search results (Note: this template is included because it's required, but it's not necessary in Act3. We display search results directly on the page using the site search in the header)

Go to Settings › Content › Pages › System Pages

Act3 - Select system page templates

For the email subscription pages:

  • Subscription preferences
  • Subscription update confirmation
  • Unknown contact subscription preferences

Go to Settings › Marketing › Email › Subscriptions

Act3 - Select email subscription system page templates

Note: To apply your theme colors and settings, please ensure that you are selecting system page templates from your child theme (if you're using one, as recommended) instead of the parent theme.

How to edit or translate system pages

HubSpot system pages cannot be edited in the page editor and can only be modified through code. However, we've made it possible to translate the text without needing to edit the actual HTML code. Learn how to translate your system and membership page templates.

Although we provide the method above to translate your system pages into specific languages, HubSpot CMS system pages, unlike regular pages, cannot currently be created in multiple language versions. These pages will default to your website's primary language, with the standard header and footer. You can learn more about creating pages in multiple languages in HubSpot here.