
This is the global footer that appears at the bottom of your website pages, including your company details, essential website links, copyright, social media icons, terms, privacy, etc.:

Act3 Footer 11 Sample

Table of Contents

Theme settings

Choosing your footers

Currently, there are 12 website footers available in Act3 you can select in the Theme settings > Components > Footer:

Act3 - Theme settings - Components - Footer

Note: All your pages and blogs will use your website footer, and all your landing pages will use the landing page footer. Although, you can specify if the page should use the website footer or the landing page footer (see the Page settings section below).

There is also an option to select a Light or a Dark color scheme for your footers:

Act3 - HubSpot Theme - Settings - Footer - Color scheme

Important note: Some modules included in the footers have their own color scheme options, which may override this global setting, so please make sure you select the proper color scheme for your modules as well if they are not correctly rendered for your footer's current color scheme.

Page settings

You can use every page template in Act3 for either website pages or landing pages. You only need to check this box on your page to apply your landing page header and footer, or uncheck it to use the default website versions:

Act3 > Page editor > Contents > LP header and footer > Step 1

Act3 > Page editor > Contents > LP header and footer > Step 2

Global content editor

You can edit the content of a footer by clicking it in the page editor, which will open your footer in the Global content editor:

Act3 edit footer > Step 1

Act3 edit footer > Step 2


Act3 - Footer 1 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 1 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 2 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 2 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 3 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 3 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 4 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 4 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 5 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 5 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 6 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 6 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 7 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 7 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 8 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 8 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 9 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 9 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 10 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 10 Dark - Sample

Act3 - Footer 11 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 11 Dark - Sample

Starting with Version 11

Act3 - Footer 12 - Sample

Act3 - Footer 12 Dark - Sample