Create a website page

To create a website page with your purchased Act2 template go to Marketing > Website > Website Pages and hit the Create website page button:

Act2 Create a Website Page Content > Website Pages

From the next window you will choose what template to use for your new page. You can either look for your purchased Act2 templates in the Purchased section on the left:

Act2 Create a Website Page Purchased Templates

Or use the drop-down to browse your folders:

Act2 Create a website Page Browse Folders

You can also search for the template name if you already know it:

Act2 Create a Website Page Search Template Name

Once you found your desired template click it, name your page and hit the Create button:

Act2 Create a Website Page Name and Create

You will be redirected to the page editor where you can edit your content:

Act2 Create a Website Page Edit Content

Important Notes:

  • When you create a new page in HubSpot it will automatically be filled with the default content from your template. If you later edit your template and make changes to the content in those modules they will not be reflected in the existing pages. Your pages will keep their content, unless you swap or remove modules from your template.
  • All modules inside the Flexible Column module are interpreted as the content of that module.
  • Module classes and inline styles are not editable at the page level, only in the template, and any changes there will be reflected in all your pages using that template.

Once you're ready with your content click the Settings tab, where you can specify a page title and URL, then click the button to Publish your page:

Act2 Page Editor Settings

The next window will ask to publish your page:

Act2 Page Editor Publish Page Now

Once you do that you will see a Congratulations message and your page will go live:

Act2 Page Editor Published Page

In the next screen you can access your page for the first time, create a clone, make edits, add a translation and much more:

Later if you want to find your page go to Marketing > Website > Website Pages:

Act2 Website Pages