Breakpoint classes
By default, the columns in HubSpot stack vertically at a viewport width of 767px and lower. With Act Theme you can change that. You can add one of the following classes to a group, and its DIRECT child columns will be forced to stack at a different viewport, or even to never stack:
large-stack |
Direct child columns will stack vertically at a viewpot width of 1079px and lower. |
medium-stack |
Direct child columns will stack vertically at a viewpot width of 890px and lower. |
smedium-stack |
Default (767px). This class is automatically added to your columns, if no other stack class is set. You don't need to add this class to any element. |
small-stack |
Direct child columns will stack vertically only at a viewpot width of 479px and lower. |
tiny-stack |
Direct child columns will stack vertically only at a viewpot width of 320px and lower. |
never-stack |
Direct child columns will never stack vertically, no matter of the viewport size. |
Please read the helper classes article to learn how to apply basic styles (text-align, margin and padding) to the same element, at different breakpoints, and only using Act Theme's classes.