Can I test Act3 before purchasing? Is there a free trial available?

HubSpot Marketplace doesn't have a trial system built-in, but we do have a refund policy, designed just for that.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, you can find it here.

What kind of support is included with Act3?

See what's included and more details on our Support policy.

Do you provide custom work?

At this moment, we don't provide custom development services. We created Act3 as a DIY theme, and most of our customers won't need any external help to create their websites. More details here.

Is jQuery required in Act3?

No. Act3 uses plain JavaScript and doesn't need jQuery. You can disable jQuery in your HubSpot website settings for better performance.

Can I use my own fonts with Act3?

Yes. You can upload your fonts. More details here.

For more helpful articles about the various Act3 components and features, please browse our Act3 Documentation.